Thursday, 7 February 2013

Hip hip hip

H.I.P.P.I.E.S >>>

a community living in unity with the earth. sleeping in trees too.
yoko showed us around. people come and people go. peace & love.  <3  
we spent some quality time in that nest above my head chatting about life. scariest part was getting down by that blue piece of cloth.
how would you like to leave all the luxuries of home to live simply?  to simply live?  to take all you need from the earth and give back what you get?  to share everything as a community?  remember jesus calls us to leave everything and follow him. to live a life simply in his presence daily... could you be a hippie for christ?

these feet were made for walkin.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah I'm a Hippie! ;)

    (This is Levi ;))
